Sunday, October 25, 2015

STE Research Project

This was a fun project, we created a marble machine within Houdini to simulate physics.

our idea was a continuum machine, which will play the marbles around a circuit and then catch them back to the start.

We modeled the assets in maya and imported them back into Houdini. We had a good idea from the beginning on what we wanted to do, we didn't  find any major issues, and the ones we found we manage to resolve them fast enough for deliver.

some of the issues we found was setting the collision to track the geometry surface and also the animation, which were resolved in the collision settings. by activating concave representation under bullet settings inside the collision module (for accurate geo representation), and also check on Use deforming geometry (for animated geo)

the only issue we couldn't figure out before the presentation was the animation editing, specially deleting created frames. When we selected the parameter or the geo and went to the channel editor we couldn't find any keys on the graph.

These are some images of the project.

CAN2 Final animation

this is my final animation for can2 project 2
Had a lot of fun working on it, even with 5am classes which can literally hit your performance when you had a class the day before till 9pm. but anyways it was a fun class with an amazing teacher!.

I used photoshop and a wacom cintiq to develop the concept idea, I also edited the audio (adding more fx) qith audition and finally the animation was don in Maya.
same Animation project workflow as usual, first creating the contacts, key poses, then breakdowns, anticipations and moving holds, then expressions and follow through.

these are some of the concept ideas and breakdowns for the animation

Friday, October 9, 2015

Antsy Animation - 4thPass [CAN2]

Here is my 4th pass on the Falling from a cliff animation.
working on:
- Z rotation COG, spine.
- Moving hold after stop in the air. 

- Anticipations and breakdowns on realization and fall.